Parshas Nitzavim-Vayelech - Shabbos Slichos

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Parshas Ha'azinu - Shabbos Shuva
25 Elul 5780

Friday night
Light Candles - Mincha 6:29 PM
Kabolas Shabbos 7:20

Shabbos Day
Chassidus 9:15
Shacharis 10:15

Kids Program  10:15 - 12:30

Kiddush following Musaf. 

Co-Sponsored by:
Zevy Steiger in Honor of his Birthday

may it be a Shnas Hatzlacha Bgu"r! 

Mincha/ Maariv bezmanom 

Shabbos ends at 7:26pm


A Gut Voch!
V'nizkeh Zehn zich Miten Rebben Du L'matah... V'hu Yigaleinu!!!
Tuesday night Shiur in shul 
8:00 - 9:30 PM  

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