Yom Kippur 5781

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Yom Kippur
10 Tishrei 5781

Light Candles  6:26
9 Kapitelach 115-123

Kol Nidrei - Maariv 6:40 (sharp)
Tehilim following Maariv


Yom Kippur Day

Shacharis 10:00 (Sharp
Yizkor (approx.) 12:15

Kids Program 10:30 - 2:00
A snack and lunch will be served

Sponsored by the Lewis family

Mincha 5:10
Neilah (approx.) 6:15

Fast ends - Maariv 7:22
Havdalah - Kiddush Levana

 Gmar Chasimah Tovah!
V'nizkeh Zehn zich Miten Rebben Du L'matah.

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